
28th April 2024 - "The Vortex" from University of Pittsburgh Press

The Environmental History of the Modern World is now available for free download.

The download is free for everyone in accordance with the Open Access rules of the European Research Council. The book is available as  PDF and Apple Book.

15th February 2024 - Keynote to the conference "Monoculturas: Perspetivas Eco-Culturais" at the University of Coimbra

On February 15, 2024, Frank Uekötter gave a keynote lecture at the University of Coimbra in Portugal with the title "The Magic of Monoculture: Writing the Story of a Global Gamble".
The second keynote lecture with the title "On some Conditions for Advancing Action on Climate" was given by Dinesh Chakrabarty on the topic of planetarium and diversity. You find the interview here and the keynote here.