
Understanding Monoculture.
Challenges – Mindsets – Learning Experiences

August 15-16 in Bochum, Germany

The modern food system is built on monoculture. Wherever we look in the age of global capitalism, large organic production regimes routinely gravitate towards a single product. The problems for societies, economies, and environments are legion, and numerous scholars have shown that monoculture came at a price. The MaMoGH project aims to take the next step. If monocultures are notorious trouble spots, why are they still with us?

We want to explore this question during the workshop “Understanding Monoculture. Challenges - Mindsets - Learning Experiences”.

When: August 15-16 2024

Where: Institut für soziale Bewegungen(Institute for Social Movements), Clemensstr. 17-19, Bochum, Germany

If you want to participate in the workshop, please send an email to for further information.